I’m envious of people with photographic memories. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to remember peoples names effortlessly!
But it doesn’t come naturally to me.
However, I do have a reputation for remembering peoples names.
What you don’t know is how hard I work at it.
Why do I work so hard?
2 reasons.
- First, because it’s so important! A persons name is the “sweetest sound in the world to them, in any language” (Dale Carnegie).
- Second, because I like people remembering my name. And the first step to achieve that is to remember their name first.
Over the years I’ve picked up a range of techniques from a number of books, articles, conversations that I’ve used to improve my ability to remember names.
That’s what I’m sharing with you today.
What you need to do is find a combination of a handful of techniques that suit you in particular. Continue reading “10 Techniques To Improve Your Ability To Remember Peoples Names”