I had the honour of spending 60 seconds with John Key this morning.

I was 1 of 10 young professionals invited to tell him about what we’re up to here in Tauranga, the city I love.
Here’s my 60 second speech:
Hi, I’m Sheldon Nesdale and I’m helping to build a eco-system of entrepreneurship and innovation here in Tauranga. One of 6 ways I’m doing that is by organising an event that people can go to and learn about entrepreneurship and innovation in a hands on way. It’s called Tauranga StartUp Weekend and it’s happening July 5,6,7 this year. It’s like a cake. You throw in ingredients like mentors, prizes, judges, strangers, structure, and chaos, and you eat whatever you cook.
This guy runs a whole country so his perspective is mostly a macro sized one. (Although he has this talent of zooming down to the individual level too).
This means he sees the big picture, the big system and the big moving parts.
When he was talking about Fonterra and exports, 2 pictures formed in my head that I want to tell you about.
The first picture was one of a giant machine which needed cogs to work.

What are the cogs in this machine? People.
You and me.
You might be a big cog or you might be a small cog, but the machine wants to be able to replace you easily or work without you if it needs too.
For example your job might be to sit in a cubicle and answer phones. The machine wants you to stay there.
But even if you leave, it’ll very quickly fill that spot with someone else.
The second picture was one of a nanobot swarm.

What’s a nanobot?
It’s a tiny machine. So tiny a million of them can fit on the head of a pin.
This time the people are individual nanobots.
They are separate. They are autonomous. They make their own decisions. But the supercool thing is that they can swarm to problems that need solving.
For example, poverty needs solving. The people/nanobots that care about poverty will swarm to that problem and solve it together.
That’s the future of work I think.
So, are you a cog or a nanobot?
And if you want to change, when are you going to start?
Awesome Sheldon. Here’s to the swarm! 🙂
FYI some more on John’s visit here…
From what I can gather IT and entrepreneurship is not really on this government’s radar. They are heavily focused on Farming, logging, fishing, mining and other extractive industries.
BTW he could with a simple policy make it easier for your nanobot organisations to bid for and win government contracts. Right now the scales are heavily tilted in favor of large multinational companies.
Wow, awesome points Tim, thanks!
I liked the visual SHeldon.I don’t think Tim has had 10 seconds with John Key tho he is working for the Party.
I can see that business needs to change. Its past it, the way it is. That you are an innovator and visionary is tremendous, I applaud you and all that you do.
MUM xx
Thanks Mum!