This post was originally published on 27 Jan 2010 and updated on 16 Aug 2018.

Just need a list of advertising to try for your business?
Online Advertising
01. Build a website for your business
02. Build a campaign specific mini-website for your business
03. Create Text Ads using Google Adwords
04. Display advertising (banner ads, video ads)
05. Programmatic advertising (serving your ad to an individual on their smartphones at just the right time, when they are in just the right geographical location)
06. Organic Search Engine Optimisation
07. Improve your Google Maps listing
08. Email Marketing / E-newsletters
09. SPAM (unsolicited email is illegal in many countries)
10. Online Directories (eg YellowPages online and country-wide business directories)
11. White papers / e-books
12. Blogging
13. Facebook Page (or Group)
14. LinkedIn
15. Experiment with other Social Networking sites like Twitter, Pinterest etc
16. Contribute to Special interest forums (eg Google Groups)
17. In-person cold calling (unannounced)
18. Telemarketing
19. Participate in Networking groups (eg Chamber of Commerce, BNI)
Public Relations
20. Distribute press releases (for print & online publication)
21. Or Contact Journalists/Reporters directly with something newsworthy
Outdoor Advertising
22. Billboards
23. Digital / Video Billboards
24. Bus shelters
25. Bus backs
26. Truck sides
27. Car signage
28. Outdoor signage on your building
29. Miniature Billboards: Core-flute signage stabbed into grass verges
30. Posters around town
31. Free standing displays in shopping malls
32. Hot air balloons / blimps
33. Paint a sports field with your logo
34. Burn your logo onto the side of a mountain (check with the local council for permission first)
SMS text messaging
35. SMS text messaging to your clients
36. SMS text messaging to numbers you scrape from websites or directories
Guerrilla Advertising / Alternative Advertising / Stealth Marketing
37. PR stunts
38. Word of mouth
39. Viral (video, email, postcards, CD’s)
40. Legal graphitti
41. Chalk on the sidewalk
42. Logos in the snow/sand
43. Flyers under car windscreen wipers
44. Video projection onto side of building
45. Night-time shop window video or laser light show
46. Sponsored humans (to tattoo your brand on their forehead, or, not quite as exciting, wear a branded t-shirt)
47. Sponsor a sports teams T-shirts
48. Sponsor a community event or non-profit organisation
Branded Objects
49. Branded Pens, Coffee cups, T-shirts, bags, clocks etc
Public Demonstrations
50. Set up in shopping malls (or in the supermarket)
51. Seminars
Trade shows & Expos
52. Exhibiting at Trade shows and Expos
TV Advertising
53. 15/30 second Television Advertisements
54. Infomercials
55. TV Programme Sponsorship
56. Television Interviews
Newspaper Advertising
57. Regional Community Newspaper – freely distributed
58. Regional Daily Newspaper
59. National Daily Newspaper
Radio Advertising
60. 15/30 second Radio Advertisements
61. Radio Interviews
Cinema Advertising
62. Pre-movie Advertisements
63. In-Movie Product Placement
64. Direct Mail / Addressed Mail
65. Un-addressed PO Box Mail Drop – Flyers/Postcards
66. Un-addressed Residential Mail Drop – Flyers/Postcards
Magazine Advertising
67. Gossip style Magazines (eg Woman’s Day)
68. Industry Specific Magazines (eg Needles and Pins weekly)
Printed Directories
69. YellowPages
70. Local Directory
Have I Missed Any?
Please add them to the comments below.
Q: “Where do I start?”
Don’t know where to start?
I can help.
Find out more about my marketing services and pricing or call me on 021 128 5046.
Sheldon Nesdale
Mobile: 021 128 5046
Phone: (07) 575 8799
Marketing First 2009 Ltd
64b Devonport Rd, Tauranga 3110, New Zealand
Linkedin –
Yes, number 12 😉
thnx bro.:) appreciated
Bugger, I was wondering why my list went from 61 to 62 when I copied it from my draft…
I hand-coded those numbers too.
Wow, i could easily use a few of these tips, cheers for your help! 🙂 Keep up the good work!
Thanks Robert!
Podcast? Of course it depends on how you categorize it. Apparently it can be classified as a social media. But as you listed blogging as a seperate way, why not Podcast. If so, Twitter might qualify too.
Thanks JTG. What is a podcast? And how would a business use it to promote their products/services?
@JTG, @Sheldon its debatable as to whether ‘podcast’ truly deserves to be a different category than radio. Same marketing principles apply – Either overtly in the form of 15/30 “ad” spots sponsored into shows that map against your target demographic’s interests….. or covertly in the form of interviews (or ‘product placements’) as part of in-podcast content.
Thanks for that Nathan. To be honest, I don’t really understand “Podcast”. Could you define it for me please?
Thanks you! That helped out a lot.
You are very welcome 🙂
very gud, it helps me a lot in doing my homework
Oh good 🙂
i am writing a business plan for my senior project, its finals day and I really needed this info I couldn’t think of all this info myself
Glad it helped Riley 🙂
i am doing a marketing plan for my senior project,
this helped alot 😀
thx for being help 😉
You could also hire someone in a costume to dance around with a sign for passing cars to see.
Great ideas, i also thought what about personal songs or mixtapes that promotes a cause or something popular or even your own business/object/subject.
many people do like something with a good beat and a story behind it
What about just plain old word of mouth- Person- Person.
thanks it helped me alot…..
Great to hear it Ketki 🙂
Helped with College Assignments Thanks .
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